Contests & Divisions

We have a contest for everyone–Newcomer, Novice, Sophisticated, Masters, Intermediate, Advanced and All Star.  All competitions are “gender-neutral”.

Our goal is to run on-time competitions. Pre-registration is recommended and appreciated (it helps us plan and organize the contests)!

We will be implementing some exciting new concepts for our Competitions schedules, as well as enhancing the experience for both the competitors and the audience.

You must register for a weekend pass to compete at Charlotte WestieFest. Competitors are responsible for reading and abiding by our rules as well as the rules of the WSDC.

For reference and where applicable, Charlotte WestieFest will follow the essence of the WSDC Rules & Guidelines for all pertinent competitions.

All WSDC Jack & Jill Competitions (Prelims and Finals) are conducted on Saturday.  No WSDC J&J Comps on Sunday!

Jack & Jills

Register for the correct level according to your WSDC points then get paired with a random partner in the same level to dance to songs picked by the DJs.
Divisions:  Newcomer, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All Star, Sophisticated, Masters

Strictly Swing

Pick your partner and dance to songs picked by the DJs. Be sure to register for the correct division according to the WSDC points for the partner in the highest level.

All “Leveled” Strictly Swing Competitions will take place on Friday Evening in the following Divisions:

Newcomer, Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, All Star, Sophisticated, Masters

Generation Gap Strictly Swing

Pick your partner and dance to songs picked by the DJs. Be sure to register for the correct division according to the WSDC points for the partner in the highest level.

This competition will require a minimum 20 year age gap – and, only 1 partner of a couple can be Advanced or above (per WSDC Point Registry status as of the start of the event weekend).

Review the Competition Rules for specifics as to the age gap and level requirements for the Generational Division.

All American J&J

Based on the participation we had for this competition in 2022, we will again run a tournament-style contest on Sunday afternoon in 2024!

Prelims for this competition will be at 1:45 pm on Sunday.
Finals will be at 3:15 pm on Sunday.

Couples will be paired randomly for Prelims, with the top 16 couples advancing to the Finals.  Prior to the Finals, partners will be redrawn, and then seeded into a Tournament-Style bracket with the Finals being conducted in a “Head-to-Head” format two couples at a time.

Complete details are available in the Competition Rules link.

Switch Role Strictly Swing

Friday night at Midnight!

All Strictly Swing Rules apply, with the following additional considerations:
Couples will be judged on their role switching skills within the partnership, and will be expected to exhibit the ability and skills to
both lead and follow by alternating between both roles during the course of each song/dance.

There will be two “Divisions”
• Intermediate and below – both partners must be Intermediate or below per the WSDC Points Registry status (in both their Primary and Secondary roles)
• Open – this contest is open to all levels of competitors

Complete details are available in the Competition Rules link.

Trio Team Steals Contest

Sunday at 2:30pm

This contest will follow the essence of the Rules for Strictly Swing contests, with the following additional considerations:
• Dancers who partnered for any Strictly Swing contest are allowed to dance together as part of a Trio-Team.
• This contest will be judged based on how the teams exhibit an ability to seamlessly and creatively exchange who is actively leading and following during the dance, incorporating a continuous flow of movement as well as a variety of partnering arrangements.
• Trio team must comply with Point Combination limitations, as defined in the CWF Competition Rules.

Complete details are available in the Competition Rules link.


CWF Competition

Please read our complete rules for competition.

WSDC Competition

For official WSDC rules, tiers, etc. visit their website at